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Commercial Reel - Sean C Dwyer
Animated Voices Reel - Sean C Dwyer
Newscaster Reel - Sean C Dwyer
Commercial Reel
A variety of commercials including:
-A client in a restaurant
-A host describing a new product
-James Bond receiving a new gadget (product)
-A parody ad for a future feature for funding
-A character in a film trailer
-FRENCH infomercial host
Animated Voices Reel
A wide variety of voices demonstrating range and possibility and options that are but the beginning! Always possible to tweak and develop according to the specific needs of a given character. I could add on to this recent voices performed live in a script read through, including an Icelandic Sea Captain, a cruel aristocrat and the Devil himself!
Newscaster Reel
A selection of News stories ranging from straight-neutral through feel-good and all the way to a little silly and fun, demonstrating the subtle nuances in an otherwise objective reading seeking principally to convey information clearly.
Newscaster Reel (Spanish) - Sean C Dwyer
Newscaster Reel (French) - Sean C Dwyer
Accent Reel - Sean C Dwyer
Newscaster Reel (Spanish)
A few different news stories in international Spanish, without any particular regional inflections (that is beyond me, other than Mexico perhaps!)
Newscaster Reel (French)
A presentation of a number of news items passing from France French accent through Quebecois accent and finally settling upon a neutral-international French accent.
Accent Reel
A variety of accents that actually happen in English: (in order) Irish, Scottish, Cockney, English, Australian, Southern US, New York. There are many more possibilities of course, even within each of these accents according to character and region etc, but this should give a little idea! :)
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